Monday, 21 March 2011

.I Would Die 4 U.

.Chris Bianchi came in today to talk to us about being a grown up and all that artisty stuff, and brought with him edition 5 of Bare Bones. Some of the cover artist, Robert Rubbish's (more links! Jesus!) work has a mexican/dawn of the dead/Adrian Henri theme(don't worry, no more links, you can do your own bloody research). Anyway, it reminded me of some little linocut cards i did last summer. And as an extra treat why not listen to some wonderful Mariachi El Bronx covering Prince! no, really! (just when you thought the links were over....)

.You Spin Me Right Round (Like A.... Cassette?).

i may be the biggest procrastinator in the world, but i can bang this shit out. The uni zine is short of work so i bodged this doodle together in a matter of minutes. Clever much. Theme is vintage so i went for a little 80s memorabilia. Not sure about the wording, perhaps it should have been "play me baby"... oh well, it's this now, and if anyone complains i'll claim English is my second language...

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Crack Fox

.Today is my big cousin Helen's birthday, so although i have posted her a card, my relationship with royal mail is not great enough to ensure delivery on the correct day. SO i drew a little birthday picture to fiercebook her with. Anyone who has been to Parc Reynou will know they keep Crack Foxes (aka, Maned Wolves) to amuse adults and scare children. fact.